
Discussion on “Karma” with 6 year olds

After hearing about the recent incident of how a local devotee was gun shot in his convenient store, our curious 6-year-old kids started asking following questions:

Nrsimha-Krsna dasa: When Krsna’s devotee is good, why somebody killed him like that.

Father: Everybody has to face reactions to bad things they did previously, that is how material nature works. See for example, sometimes you pinch Maharathi and remember that day nobody did anything, you were playing and you hit against the pillar, got a cut on the head and it started bleeding. That is how reactions come. Everybody has to face his or her

2019-08-10T00:28:46+00:00August 10th, 2019|Categories: Karma, Kids Bhagavatam, Realizations|Tags: , , |

Frustration or Fulfillment

Our frustration in this world mainly comes due to unfulfilled desires or that we did not get as much happiness as we expected. We all know there is a factor of “Karma” which determines whether our desires will be fulfilled and Lord Krsna in Bhagavad Gita clearly tells this material happiness is temporary and not truly satisfying as we are actually not these bodies.

Therefore, what hope do we have then, while we are in these