Speaker: Dinatarini devi
Source: Yamuna Devi: A Life of Unalloyed Devotion

yamuna_04On Memorial Day, May 30, 1967 in New York, Srila Prabhupada suffered a stroke in New York. The prognosis was grave.

Yamuna: Swamiji had sent us a telegram which said, “If you pray to Lord Jagannatha, and if He hears your prayers, I will stay; otherwise I may go.”

Srila Prabhupada taught the devotees in New York the prayers to Lord Nrsimhadeva and asked them to request the Lord to allow him to remain alive longer to spread the fledgling mission of Krishna Consciousness. “My Spiritual Master has not finished his work, so dear Lord Krishna, please let him finish.”

On June 5, 1967, Srila Prabhupada wrote to the devotees in San Francisco expressing his gratitude for their prayers: I am so much obliged to you for your prayers to Krishna to save my life. Due to your sincere and ardent prayers, Krishna has saved my life. I was to die on Tuesday certainly, but because you prayed sincerely, I am saved. Now I am improving gradually and coming to original condition. Now I can hope to meet you again and chant with you Hare Krishna.