At the beginning of Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1, Chapter6, Srila Vyasadeva asks three questions to Nārada muni about his previous life. The last one of which is, “How do you remember your previous life from the previous day of Brahma (4.32 billion years ago)”. Nārada muni replies to this question from 1.6.26 onwards.
After the Lord stopped speaking, Nārada muni (in his previous body) led rest of his life chanting the holy name and fame of the Lord and traveled all over the earth fully satisfied, humble and unenvious. In due course of time as he was fully Krsna conscious, when Nārada muni met with death, he was awarded a spiritual body.
As the end of the day of Brahma, Nārada muni enters the transcendental body of Garbhodaksayi Vishnu along with Brahma with his spiritual body. The next day when Brahma awoke to create, Nārada also appeared with his spiritual body along with all the rsis. As he attained the spiritual body before he entered the body of Vishnu, he exactly remembers what happened before that.
Nārada muni’s glories and activities as mentioned in SB 1.6.31-33 and 38 are summarized in the following poem, which the kids learnt last Saturday during their “Kids Bhagavatam” session:
Title: Nārada muni’s glories
Nārada muni is a spiritual spaceman, [he] can travel anywhere even to the Vaikuntha planets
Chanting the Lord’s glories with his Vina, he feels the presence of the Lord always
He is the prime authority for devotional service to the Lord.
Following in his footsteps, we offer everything to the Lord and enter the spiritual world.
All glories to Nārada muni, who takes great pleasure in singing the Lord’s glories, and thus removes all of our miseries.
All glories to Nārada muni, who takes great pleasure in singing the Lord’s glories, and thus removes all of our miseries.
Nārada muni ki Jai! All the Acharyas ki Jai! Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!