
Diving Deep


Disciple should simply follow

Source: Yamuna Devi: A Life of Unalloyed Devotion

SrimatiYamunaDeviDasiwithprabhupadaMalati devi had been commissioned by Hansadutta das to arrange for large Deities for the Hamburg temple and had found a five-foot pair of Radha-Krishna Deities in Jaipur. After returning to Bombay and telling Srila Prabhupada about Them, he immediately wanted Them for Vrindavan, even though Yamuna had been painstakingly working on plans for the Deities who were eventually installed. She later used it to illustrate that the duty of the disciple is to follow the instructions of the Spiritual Master— in essence to

March 23rd, 2015|Categories: Ideal disciple, Pastimes of Srila Prabhupada, Yamuna devi|

Came here to give

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Gandhari – chaste and faithful

Back-To-Godhead-Srila-PrabhupadaThere is a proverb: apanar dhana bilaye diye bhiksa mage parer dvare(?). They have lost their own culture, and they are now beggars. They are going to beg from door to door in the foreign countries. When I was speaking in Berkeley University sometimes in the year 1966, one Indian student stood up and he said, “Swamiji, what this Krsna consciousness movement will do? We require now technology.” So I replied, “Yes. You are after technology. So you are a beggar. I am not a beggar.

March 23rd, 2015|Categories: Pastimes of Srila Prabhupada, Social welfare|Tags: |

SB 1.1.3: Open invitation for all

SB 1.1.3: O expert and thoughtful men, relish Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures. It emanated from the lips of Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī. Therefore this fruit has become even more tasteful, although its nectarean juice was already relishable for all, including liberated souls.

In this śloka, it is definitely stated that spiritual rasa, which is relished even in the liberated stage, can be experienced in the literature of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam due to its being the ripened fruit of all Vedic knowledge. By submissively hearing this transcendental literature, one can attain the full pleasure of his heart’s desire. But one must be very careful to hear the message from the right source. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is exactly received from the right source. It was brought by Nārada Muni from the spiritual world and given to his disciple Śrī Vyāsadeva. The latter in turn delivered the message to his son Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī, and Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī delivered the message to Mahārāja Parīkṣit just seven days before the King’s death.

January 3rd, 2015|Categories: Canto 1, Srimad Bhagavatam notes|

SB 1.1.2: Glories of Bhagavatam

SB 1.1.2: Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhāgavata Purāṇa propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. This beautiful Bhāgavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyāsadeva [in his maturity], is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhāgavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart.

The proper method for receiving this transcendental message is to hear it submissively. A challenging attitude cannot help one realize this transcendental message. One particular word is used herein for proper guidance. This word is śuśrūṣu. One must be anxious to hear this transcendental message. The desire to sincerely hear is the first qualification.

January 2nd, 2015|Categories: Canto 1, Srimad Bhagavatam notes|

SB 1.1.1: Obeisances unto the absolute truth

SB 1.1.1: O my Lord, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa because He is the Absolute Truth and the primeval cause of all causes of the creation, sustenance and destruction of the manifested universes. He is directly and indirectly conscious of all manifestations, and He is independent because there is no other cause beyond Him. It is He only who first imparted the Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahmājī, the original living being. By Him even the great sages and demigods are placed into illusion, as one is bewildered by the illusory representations of water seen in fire, or land seen on water. Only because of Him do the material universes, temporarily manifested by the reactions of the three modes of nature, appear factual, although they are unreal. I therefore meditate upon Him, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who is eternally existent in the transcendental abode, which is forever free from the illusory representations of the material world. I meditate upon Him, for He is the Absolute Truth.

January 1st, 2015|Categories: Canto 1, Srimad Bhagavatam notes|