
Diving Deep


Devotional service is directly perceived

Source: BG 9.2 purport

young-narada-muni-with-sagesIn the Vedānta-sūtra (3.2.26) this is also described in the following words: prakāśaś ca karmaṇy abhyāsāt. “Devotional service is so potent that simply by engaging in the activities of devotional service one becomes enlightened without a doubt.”

A practical example of this can be seen in the previous life of Nārada, who in that life happened to be the son of a maidservant. He had no education, nor was he born into a high family. But when his mother was engaged in serving great devotees, Nārada also became

April 10th, 2015|Categories: Higher taste, Narada Muni, Stories|

News from the unlimited spiritual sky

Source: How shall I serve you?

11.-Bhaktisiddhanta-Sarasvati-em-missão-de-pregaçãoIn Calcutta a politician had asked Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī how he could possibly print his Nadiyā Prakāśa as a daily newspaper. Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī had replied that it was not so amazing if one considered that in Calcutta alone there were almost half a dozen ordinary daily newspapers, although Calcutta was but one city amongst all the cities of India, India was but one nation amongst many nations on the earth, the earth was but an insignificant planet amidst all the other planets in the universe, this universe

April 10th, 2015|Categories: Krsna katha, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Stories|

God is enjoying

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: What to Ask From God

11415517_835885859835415_3431125356545245850_oOne European gentleman went to Calcutta. And he visited several temples in Calcutta. And he visited our temple also. Our temple is Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. Just the picture, Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa.So, he went to the temple of Goddess Kālī. He saw the Goddess Kālī’s very ferocious feature.And [she] has got one, what is called, chopper in her hand.[splice] She’s chopping the heads of the demons. And she has the garland of the heads of the demons, and engaged in fighting. So, he’s supposed to be intelligent man.He said that “I find

April 10th, 2015|Categories: Stories, Supreme enjoyer|

We are very insignificant

Speaker: Vaiyasaki dasa
Source: Radha-Damodara Vilasa

Tamal-Krishna-Goswami-with-Srila-PrabhupadaRecognizing Tamal Krsna’s organizational ability, Prabhupada spends a lot of time training him in management skills. Tamal begins to think that he is getting special attention beyond that of the other devotees. Whenever the spiritual master detects false pride in a disciple he is always quick to rectify the anartha. Prabhupada brings this up in a gentle way when Tamal brings over Muralidhara’s new painting of the Bhagavatam cover for approval.

As Prabhupada studies the painting, he begins to point out the different features of the creation

Worship spiritual master as God

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Planting the seed

Back to Godhead - Volume 10, Number 02 - 1975“And now,” he said at length, “I will tell you what is meant by initiation. Initiation means that the spiritual master accepts the student and agrees to take charge, and the student accepts the spiritual master and agrees to worship him as God.” He paused. No one spoke. “Any questions?” And when there were none, he got up and walked out. The devotees were stunned. What had they just heard him say? For weeks he had stressed that when

Approach God for wealth and get cheated

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Depend on Krsna’s mercy

Damascus-panic2_wide-b0617d228b568519f4f48808d857eaca0f6246ce-s300-c85In communist country the innocent village people, they go to church and ask for bread, and when they come out of the church, the communist leader ask them, “Have you got bread?” So they say, “Now ask bread from us.” So they ask bread, “O, communist leader, give me bread.” So they supply immense quantity of bread: “Take as much as you like.” So then they ask, “Who has supplied you bread?” They say, the communist leader. In this way they propagate, “Now there is no use

April 6th, 2015|Categories: Dharma|Tags: , , , , |