Diving Deep
Pavarga – material conditional life
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Everyone can serve Krishna
So Suta Gosvami is describing the purpose of religiosity. Dharmasya hy apavargyasya. Dharma, to accept a system of religion means to accept the path of liberation. Apavargyasya. This apavarga is very significant word. Pavarga and apavarga. Pavarga means pa, pha, ba, bha, ma. In grammatical ways, ka, kha, ga, gha, ka-varga, ca-varga, ta-varga, ta-varga, and pa-varga. Five vargas. Vargiya varnas. And there are antah-stha varnas. This is grammatical.
So dharmasya hy apavargyasya. “A” means negation, negation of pavarga. Pa means parisrama, labor. Here, in
It is natural to serve
Source: Breaking Ground
Suddenly the old derelict returns, announcing his entrance: “How are ya?” He is carrying something. He maneuvers his way through the group, straight to the back of the temple, where the Swami is sitting. He opens the toilet room door, puts two rolls of bathroom tissue inside, closes the door, and then turns to the sink, sits some paper towels on top of it and puts two more rolls of bathroom tissue and some more paper towels under the sink. He then stands and turns around toward the Swami
Real starvation
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Relieving Our Bodily Burden
Real starvation is of the soul. The soul is not getting spiritual food. Here, in this meeting, this is meant for giving to the starving spirit soul. And as soon as you get some spiritual food, then we become happy. That is the situation. Yayatma suprasidati. Unless you get spiritual food there cannot be satisfaction of the real soul. The same example, within the cage there is the bird. If you simply wash the cage very nicely and cover it and paint it and the
Karna deceives his guru Parshurama
Speaker: Gopal Jiu Publications
Source: Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu
One day, when Sri Parshurama experienced some fatigue due to fasting, he thought of taking rest. Out of affection, he took rest in Karna’s lap. At that time, a deadly stinging carnivorous insect, who would feed on the blood and flesh of others climbed onto the lap of Karna and pierced the leg of Karna with his stinger. Due to the wound caused by the sting, Karna’s leg started slowly bleeding. Karna did not move even a bit, although he was in much pain,
SB 1.2.6-7: Complete satisfaction
SB 1.2.6: The supreme occupation [dharma] for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to completely satisfy the self.
A living being’s sustenance of existence is to coordinate his activities with his eternal relation with the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa is the central pivot of living beings, and He is the all-attractive living entity or eternal form amongst all other living beings or eternal forms. Each and every living being has his eternal form in the spiritual existence, and Kṛṣṇa is the eternal attraction for all of them. Kṛṣṇa is the complete whole, and everything else is His part and parcel. The relation is one of the servant and the served. It is transcendental and is completely distinct from our experience in material existence.This relation of servant and the served is the most congenial form of intimacy. One can realize it as devotional service progresses. Everyone should engage himself in that transcendental loving service of the Lord, even in the present conditional state of material existence. That will gradually give one the clue to actual life and please him to complete satisfaction.
If Krsna is not satisfied we starve
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Senses On Strike
There is a story in the Hitopadesa: Udarendriyanam. Udara. Udara means this belly, abdomen, and indriya means senses. Udarendriyanam. What is that? All the different parts of the body, hands, legs, fingers and everyone, they held a meeting, that “We are working day and night, and this rascal abdomen is sitting down and eating only. (laughter) He is doing nothing. We are collecting everything, and putting into the stomach, and he is eating, very…, sitting nice. So strike: ‘We shall not work.’ So strike.” Udara…