
Diving Deep


SB 1.2.11-13: Perfection of our duties

SB 1.2.11: Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan.

remeberingkrishna The Absolute Truth is both subject and object, and there is no qualitative difference there. Therefore, Brahman, Paramātmā and Bhagavān are qualitatively one and the same. The same substance is realized as impersonal Brahman by the students of the Upaniṣads, as localized Paramātmā by the Hiraṇyagarbhas or the yogīs, and as Bhagavān by the devotees. In other words, Bhagavān, or the Personality of Godhead, is the last word of the Absolute Truth. Paramātmā is the partial representation of the Personality of Godhead, and impersonal Brahman is the glowing effulgence of the Personality of Godhead, as the sun rays are to the sun-god.

June 11th, 2015|Categories: Art of working, Canto 1, Srimad Bhagavatam notes|Tags: |

Worship the deity to take birth in America

Speaker: Indradyumna Swami
Source: The Postage – Stamp

ids_large_0One time, one of my god brothers was visiting a temple in Vrindavana in the 1970’s and was praying very sincerely in front of the deity and the pujari, who was a bit of a smartha brahmana at that time, said to my god brother, “You are praying very nicely to the deity. So in your next life you can start to achieve perfection. You can take birth in India, and maybe become a brahmana.” This is their idea that they are superior because they have

June 10th, 2015|Categories: Brahmana, Lord Caitanya, Pastimes of Srila Prabhupada, Videos|Tags: , |

I saw the train

Speaker: Suresh Gajendran
Source: Krishna is the Absolute Truth

king-edward-steam-train-1Once, there were three brothers who lived in a village. They had never gone to the city before, and they had no understanding of what a train was. One day they went to the city to see for themselves what a train was. As they waited, they heard the sound of the train’s whistle, and they turned to another man and asked, “Is that the train?” And the man answered, “Yes.” Hearing this one of the three brothers returned to his village and told

June 10th, 2015|Categories: Absolute truth, Analogies, Videos|Tags: , , , |

SB 1.2.8-10: Need of the spirit soul

SB 1.2.8: The occupational activities a man performs according to his own position are only so much useless labor if they do not provoke attraction for the message of the Personality of Godhead


The need of the spirit soul is that he wants to get out of the limited sphere of material bondage and fulfill his desire for complete freedom. He wants to get out of the covered walls of the greater universe. He wants to see the free light and the spirit. That complete freedom is achieved when he meets the complete spirit, the Personality of Godhead. There is a dormant affection for God within everyone; spiritual existence is manifested through the gross body and mind in the form of perverted affection for gross and subtle matter. 

Scorpion and the sage

Speaker: Radhanath Swami
Source: Advent of Kali-yuga

saintandscorpionWe know that great sages by nature are paradukha dukhi. That means their only sorrow is the sorrow of others. They only live for the welfare of others. They are even willing to suffer, to be humiliated and sometimes even be killed for the welfare of others. There’s a story where a sage was sitting on the bank of the Ganges and saw a scorpion drowning. So he picked up this scorpion to save him but the scorpion just stung him. Of course the sting of a

May 21st, 2015|Categories: Compassion, Dharma, Stories, Videos|Tags: , , |

Higher taste

Speaker: Premanjana Dasa
Source: The Affection of Srila Prabhupada

srila-prabhupada-disciplesHaridas Prabhu had the habit of stealing money from the temple; he had a habit for stealing. He used to get money for the deity kitchen, devotee kitchen etc. As a habit, he generally used to steal Rs. 1 or Rs. 2 (in 1972) it used to be a ‘very big thing’ at that time.

There was one such incident that Haridas recalls, “Srila Prabhupada was here as he used to come to Hare Krishna Land. He used to get extra money for buying