
Diving Deep


I cannot grant you immortality

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: The eternal struggle

Brahma-approaches-HiranyakashipuHiranyakasipu wanted to become immortal, so he underwent such severe penances that the whole universe trembled. Lord Brahma had to come to pacify him “What do you want?”

Hiranyakasipu said, “I want to become immortal!”

Lord Brahma replied, “Although I have a very long duration of life, even I am not immortal, so I cannot grant you immortality.”

So although Brahma lives for trillions of years, still he has to die. Wherever you go within this material world, either in Brahma-loka or in

You take the body you want

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: How to see the Absolute truth

Desire-PicIf you want, nature will give you facility. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah [Bg. 3.27]. Prakrti means nature. He’s giving, by nature. Just like, if you infect, if you become infected with some disease, so you’ll get that disease. It is nature’s way. If you touch fire, your finger will be burned. Not that nature has to make a particular arrangement. By nature it is there. Similarly, if you remain like cats and dogs, then by nature you’ll get the body of

August 13th, 2015|Categories: Analogies, Material nature, Reincarnation|Tags: , , |

Come out to see the light

Speaker: SrilaPrabhupada
Source: How to see the Absolute truth

Quotes-by-Chaitanya-Caritamrta-on-Krishna-and-MayaTo understand the Absolute Truth, even brahma-darsanam, Absolute Truth, you have come to the light, not in the darkness. If you want to see the sun at least, then you have come to the sunshine. Not that in the dark room, closing your doors, you can see sunshine. You have to come out. Tamasi ma jyotir gama. Therefore the Vedic injunction is “Don’t remain in the darkness. Come out to see the light.” Just like in the morning, somebody is sleeping, closing his doors

August 12th, 2015|Categories: Analogies, God realization, Goodness, Ignorance|Tags: , , , |

Sober activity is required

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: How to see the Absolute truth

cartoon-judgeFoolish activity has no meaning. Without brain, simply active, that is dangerous. Sober activity is required. Just like a high court judge. He is paid very lump sum, money, but he’s sitting on his chair and simply thinking. The others may think that “We are working so hard, we are not getting so big salary, and this man is getting so big salary. He’s sitting only.” Because foolish activity has no value, it is dangerous. So this modern world, they’re very active, but they’re

August 12th, 2015|Categories: Analogies, God realization, Goodness, Ignorance, Passion|Tags: , |

The Bird’s Eye

Source: Arjuna: Essence of a Hero

arjuna bird

One bright, sunny morning, a large group of young boys gathered by the woodland with their bows and arrows. But these were not just ordinary boys. These were the five Pandavas and hundred Kauravas! The five Pandava brothers and hundred Kaurava brothers were cousins, and a fierce rivalry between them began when they were only children. These young princes would eventually grow into men of incredible power. The five Pandavas were even sons of gods!

On this day Drona, their mentor and military expert, organized a

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Arjuna, Concentration, Dronacharya, Kauravas, Pandavas, Stories, Yudhisthira|

Bhima and the snake poison

Source: Bhima and the snake poison

Child_bhima_fight_with_NagasDuryodhana was very much worried. His father being blind, the kingdom was ruled by Pandu. After his death Yudhishthira, the heir-apparent, would in course of time become king. Duryodhana thought that as his blind father was quite helpless he must, to prevent Yudhishthira’s accession to the throne, contrive a way of killing Bhima.
He made arrangements to carry out his resolve since he thought that the powers of the Pandavas would decline with the death of Bhima.
Duryodhana and his brothers planned to throw Bhima into

August 7th, 2015|Categories: Bhima, Duryodhana, Kauravas, Kunti devi, Lords protection, Stories, Vidura, Yudhisthira|