
Diving Deep


Sed aliquet mi at libero consectetur

Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl nec tempor. Proin varius turpis ut sem porttitor varius. Sed aliquet mi at libero ultrices consectetur. Vivamus egestas, metus quis egestas egestas, tortor justo pharetra diam, et dapibus massa nibh dapibus risus. Sed ut massa sodales, elementum magna vitae, malesuada.

“In eu ultricies lacus. Phasellus non ante nec neque imperdiet congue. Donec sed lectus eu mi tincidunt rhoncus non a metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst”

Nam lorem mauris, scelerisque nec iaculis id, dignissim

September 9th, 2015|Categories: Coupons, Fashion, News|Tags: , , |

Duis porta egestas libero interger

Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl nec tempor. Proin varius turpis ut sem porttitor varius. Sed aliquet mi at libero ultrices consectetur. Vivamus egestas, metus quis egestas egestas, tortor justo pharetra diam, et dapibus massa nibh dapibus risus. Sed ut massa sodales, elementum magna vitae, malesuada.

“In eu ultricies lacus. Phasellus non ante nec neque imperdiet congue. Donec sed lectus eu mi tincidunt rhoncus non a metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst”

Nam lorem mauris, scelerisque nec iaculis id, dignissim

September 9th, 2015|Categories: Markup, News, Special Offers, Trends|Tags: , , , , |

SB 1.2.24-25: Beyond sense perception

SB 1.2.24: Firewood is a transformation of earth, but smoke is better than the raw wood. And fire is still better, for by fire we can derive the benefits of superior knowledge [through Vedic sacrifices]. Similarly, passion [rajas] is better than ignorance [tamas], but goodness [sattva] is best because by goodness one can come to realize the Absolute Truth.

As explained above, one can get release from the conditioned life of material existence by devotional service to the Personality of Godhead. It is further comprehended herein that one has to rise to the platform of the mode of goodness (sattva) so that one can be eligible for the devotional service of the Lord. But if there are impediments on the progressive path, anyone, even from the platform of tamas, can gradually rise to the sattva platform by the expert direction of the spiritual master. Sincere candidates must, therefore, approach an expert spiritual master for such a progressive march, and the bona fide, expert spiritual master is competent to direct a disciple from any stage of life: tamas, rajas or sattva.

August 14th, 2015|Categories: Canto 1, God realization, Goodness, Srimad Bhagavatam notes|Tags: |

We cannot speculate

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Teach What Krsna has Said

frogstorySo we have to follow mahajana because we are tiny living entities. We cannot speculate. This is nonsense. Speculation is nonsense. Panthas tu koti-sata-vatsara-sampragamyo vayor athapi manaso [Bs. 5.34]. If we speculate we shall never reach the Absolute Truth. That is not possible. But power is very limited. How long I shall speculate? This is called kupa-manduka-nyaya. Just like a frog in the well is informed by his friend, “My dear friend, Mr. Frog, or Dr. Frog, I have seen a big, vast

August 14th, 2015|Categories: Analogies, God realization|Tags: , |

Show you are rich

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Impersonalists misguide people

thecounterfeitThere are many Vedantists in Vrndavana, but they do not come to see the temple, because they think themselves that they have become Krsna. That is the Vedanta, so-called Vedanta philosophy conclusion. But Bhagavata says that vimukta-maninah. “They are thinking that they have become liberated.” That is their concoction. Maninah. If somebody thinks that “I have become the richest man in the world,” although he has nothing to show… To become richest man, there must be some symptoms. But if a poor man says that “I

August 14th, 2015|Categories: Analogies, Impersonalist, Liberation|Tags: , , , , , |

Krsna is self-effulgent

Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Paltry research work

lord-krishna4263Here we get the information. Why should we take so much trouble? Krsna says aham adir hi devanam: “I am the original of all demigods.” Just like Brahma. Brahma is the first demigod within this universe, but he is not original. Original is Krsna. Aham adir hi devanam maharsinam. So He says that He is the adi, adi-purusam. Brahma says adi-purusam, the original person. Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami **. So He’s the adi-purusa, He’s the original source. Every Vedic literature declares, every authority declares. He

August 14th, 2015|Categories: Analogies, Brahma, God realization, Krsna|Tags: |