Diving Deep
Krsna is always joyful
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: The Rascals’ Business
We are meeting with so many problems of life. These are called anarthas, unnecessary. I am spirit soul; you are spirit soul. We are as good as God. Anandamayo ‘bhyasat. Our real position is ananda. Sac-cid-ananda. Why we are meeting so many problems? This is due to this body. This is due to this body. Therefore the real culture is, real education is, how to stop this repetition of body. But they do not know. Anandamayo ‘bhyasat. We are part and parcel of Krsna. He
Real advancement
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: The Rascals’ Business
Everyone is busy how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is advancement of civilization. Advancement of civilization means how to exploit the material resources. But they do not know, the foolish people do not know that is not advancement. That is entanglement. That is not advancement. This knowledge, they are lacking. They do not know what is advancement. Advancement means advancement in spiritual life. That is advancement. We are spirit. In essence we are spirit soul. We have been encaged within this body. Therefore
Rising above the modes
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Subtle Cosmic Button-pusher
We have to raise above the modes of material nature. Nirguna. Traigunya-visaya veda nistraigunyo bhavarjuna. That is the statement of Bhagavad-gita. In the Vedic instruction, traigunya, Vedic instruction is dealing with the three gunas, the three material modes of nature. Nistraigunyo bhavarjuna. Nistraigunya. What is that? Because when Krsna was asking Arjuna to fight, he was in the traigunya platform, in the material platform. He was thinking, “How shall I kill my grandfather? How shall I kill my teacher? How shall I kill my brother? How
Real enjoyment
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Subtle Cosmic Button-pusher
Actually, the enjoyment is in my mind. That is not enjoyment. That is not enjoyment. Real enjoyment is when I am free from this embodiment of five elements, gross elements, and three subtle elements. I have entered into this, and the action and reaction of these five gross elements, three subtle elements, I am enjoying. Actually, not enjoying. This is called maya. There is no enjoyment. It is enjoyment in the mind. The mind is also material creation. Real enjoyment is beyond these senses. Sukham atyantikam yat
Nothing is automatic
Speaker: Srila Prabhupada
Source: Subtle Cosmic Button-pusher
So here, asau gunamayair bhavair bhuta-suksmendriya atmabhih. This whole material creation is… There is a brain. It is not a so-called evasive reply, “Automatically.” What do you mean, “Automatically”? There must be somebody pushing the button, must be working. There is brain. That is really scientific study. Here, gunamayair bhavaih, by the three energies, three kind of energies, goodness, passion and ignorance, these gunamayi, these qualities of nature, bhuta-suksma indriya. Then there is creation of the ego, then creation of the intelligence, mind, then creation of
SB-1.2.30-32: One supersoul
SB-1.2.30-32: The Lord, as Supersoul, pervades all things, just as fire permeates wood, and so He appears to be of many varieties, though He is the absolute one without a second.
As from wood, fire can be manifested, or as butter can be churned out of milk, so also the presence of the Lord as Paramātmā can be felt by the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects which are especially treated in the Vedic literatures like the Upaniṣads and Vedānta. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the bona fide explanation of these Vedic literatures. The Lord can be realized through the aural reception of the transcendental message, and that is the only way to experience the transcendental subject. As fire is kindled from wood by another fire, the divine consciousness of man can similarly be kindled by another divine grace. His Divine Grace the spiritual master can kindle the spiritual fire from the woodlike living entity by imparting proper spiritual messages injected through the receptive ear.